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When To Take Your Child to a Pediatric ENT Specialist


When To Take Your Child to a Pediatric ENT

With small children, it can be so difficult to know what exactly is bothering them in terms of their ear, nose and throat, without being able to feel what they are feeling. Kids are not always the best communicators, so parents sometimes find it difficult to determine what is bothering them and how severe the problem is. Here are some signs that it’s time to see a pediatric ENT doctor.

Signs It’s Time to See a Pediatric ENT

Chronic Ear Infections. Kids can get colds quite often, usually more so than adults. It’s normal for these colds to turn into ear infections, but if this happens more than 3-5 times a year, a pediatrician will likely recommend a visit to an ENT. An ENT specialist can help determine the underlying causes of persistent ear infections, and figure out why they keep coming back. One possible solution includes inserting small tubes in the child’s ear to help drain the fluid. This procedure is minor and recovery is quick.

Problems Swallowing. Swallowing is so vital to our daily lives and getting nutrients, it’s never a good thing when there is difficulty or pain when swallowing–in adults and children. A pediatric ENT can evaluate swallowing problems with simple tests to determine what might be the cause of the difficulty or pain.

Snoring. Regular snoring can be a sign of allergy-induced congestion or of a serious condition called sleep apnea. ENTs specialize in both these areas and can be a huge help in diagnosing and providing relief.

Coughing and Hoarseness. Again, a little cough and a sore throat are common conditions for kids with colds, but when persistent, can be a sign of a much larger issue. Things like laryngitis, allergies, and polyps can worsen a severe cough and should be taken seriously.

Contact Us to Get An Expert’s Opinion

It’s important to note that treating these specific issues in children require extensive training and years of experience, both of which Dr. Goldberg has. In fact, he has been board certified in pediatric ENT and has two decades of experience treating young children. If you’re looking to make an appointment with a compassionate doctor who is focused on finding the best solution for your child as an individual, contact our office to get started.

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