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What To Look For In A Cough Specialist


cough specialist

Having a cough can be irritating, distracting and even painful. What’s more, a cough that sticks around for longer than a few weeks may be an indicator of a more serious underlying condition. In turn, a lingering cough warrants a visit to a cough specialist. In this article, we’ll offer tips on choosing a qualified provider to help you obtain a proper diagnosis and effective treatment for your chronic cough.

Ear Nose Throat & Facial Plastic Surgery Specialists is proud to be the leading cough specialist serving Willow Grove, Chalfont, Cheltenham, Jenkintown and the surrounding area. Whether you’re concerned about coughing, trouble swallowing or another ENT issue, you can count on our team to offer expert, patient-focused care. To learn more about how we can help you overcome a cough with cutting-edge treatments, keep reading or call our office at 215-659-8805.

What To Look For In A Cough Specialist

Here are a few helpful pointers on selecting a qualified ENT doctor you can trust to provide skillful, individualized care:

  • Locate a practice that offers a full range of advanced treatments – The first step in conquering an severe cough is to figure out why it is happening. Underlying causes may include allergies, laryngitis, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and polyps, among other conditions. Depending on the specific cause, the right course of treatment will vary. Thus, it is important to choose a practice that offers comprehensive treatment for any type of cough.
  • Find someone who listens closely to their patients – As mentioned above, persistent coughing may occur for any number of reasons – sometimes even due to a combination of underlying conditions. To get to the bottom of why your cough won’t cease, it’s key to choose an attentive provider who will take the time to ask detailed questions about your symptoms and listen carefully to your responses.
  • Look for board certification – Being board certified in otorhinolaryngology verifies that an ENT doctor has completed the specialty training needed to treat conditions affecting the ear, nose and throat region. This affords extra confidence that the physician is highly qualified.

At Ear Nose Throat & Facial Plastic Surgery Specialists, our board-certified doctors are continually recognized for providing exceptional healthcare, with a high rating for spending considerable one-on-one time with patients and attending to their personal needs. Further, our entire staff is known to display respect, compassion and professionalism throughout every patient interaction.

Address Your ENT Concerns with Our Team of Compassionate Professionals

If you are struggling with a cough that won’t quit, our team is here to help you get lasting relief. At our Willow Grove office, our expert physicians will use state-of-the-art diagnostic equipment to help you find the very best treatment option to solve your symptoms. To schedule an in-office or telehealth appointment with one of our providers, reach out to our office at 215-659-8805.

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