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Is It Allergies or a Cold? How To Tell.


allergies or a cold

As the weather changes with the season, our bodies need to adapt. And with these changes and adaptations, you can suffer from allergies or a cold. But how can you tell the difference? When should you go to the doctor? These questions can be especially difficult to answer if you experience severe allergies. So, below you’ll find some tips on how to tell if you have allergies or a cold.

Probably Allergies If…

First, we need to know the symptoms of allergies or a cold so we can determine which one you’re experiencing. Therefore, let’s examine the symptoms of allergies. It’s probably allergies if…

  • You have clear or watery mucus.
  • Your eyes itch and get watery.
  • Your symptoms stay the same.
  • You’ve experienced sniffles for more than a week.
  • Your symptoms appear only in certain contexts.

All of these indicate allergies instead of an illness. For example, a cold typically lasts 7 to 10 days, while allergies can last several weeks. Furthermore, allergies often depend on their context. Thus, if your symptoms only show up when you’re around cats or when you’re outside, then you have allergies.

Probably A Cold If…

Second, let’s take a look at the symptoms for a cold. It’s probably a cold if…

  • You have a cough, low fever, headache, or mild body aches.
  • Your symptoms change every few days or worsen.
  • Your mucus becomes yellow, green, or thick.

These symptoms occur with colds, not allergies. For instance, allergies often feel worse at the beginning and then remain constant. However, with colds, symptoms begin more mild and then change or worsen. You might begin with the sniffles or a tingling in your throat, and then experience a sore throat, stuffy nose, and/or body aches later.

Allergies or a Cold? See Your Doctor If…

Third, whether you have allergies or a cold, when should you call your doctor? Call your doctor if…

  • Your allergies seem unbearable or cause breathing problems.
  • You have a fever over 101ºF.
  • Your cold symptoms worsen over time and don’t improve within 10 days.

Ask Dr. Goldberg If You Have Allergies or a Cold

Finally, what doctor should you call? Whether you think it might be allergies or a cold, you should contact Dr. Goldberg at ENTFPSS. Our team of specialists can determine a treatment plan for you to get you back on your feet in no time!

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