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My Hearing Aid Irritates My Ear: What to Do


My Hearing Aid Irritates My EarIt’s not uncommon to feel frustrated by the fit of your hearing aid. One study showed “comfort” is a defining factor in whether or not a patient wears their hearing aid. If you often find yourself thinking, “My hearing aid irritates my ear, so I won’t wear it,” then this guide is for you.

Here are a few reasons your hearing aids may irritate your ear, as well as our recommended solutions…

Why do my ears hurt when I wear my hearing aid?

There are a variety of causes that could contribute to your pain.

1. Your hearing aid isn’t placed properly

A twisted or misplaced hearing aid can cause skin pull or unwanted pressure. If you’re sure you’re following the manufacturer’s instructions for placement, it may be a sizing issue. The audiologists in our office are specialists in hearing aid fitting.

2. Your ears haven’t adjusted yet

Often, patients new to hearing aids express the complaint, “my hearing aid irritates my ear.” This is because it sometimes takes time for the skin and tissue around that area to become accustomed to wearing a hearing aid for extended periods of time.

3. Your hearing aid isn’t clean

Failure to properly clean, sanitize and maintain hearing aids can cause infections, bacterial growth, and irritation. Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions on sanitation and cleaning, and use only those methods and solutions approved in order to avoid damaging the device.

4. You have an allergy to the materials

Occasionally, individuals may have specific, unique allergies to the materials used in creating a hearing aid. If the area breaks out in a rash, becomes red and sore, it is an indication that you may have the wrong materials. A specialist like the ones at ENTFPSS can help you determine how to proceed.

5. Your hearing aid doesn’t fit your ear

If you purchased your hearing aid at a store (such as Costco), your hearing aid likely doesn’t fit properly. Your ear canal is unique, and a one-size-fits-all hearing aid will likely create unwanted pressure and discomfort.

What do I do when my hearing aid irritates my ear?

There are a few steps you can try at home, such as:

  • Readjusting your hearing aid to find a more comfortable position
  • Waiting 1-2 weeks for your ears to adjust
  • Cleaning your hearing aid every day

If you still feel irritation after following these steps, you may need to speak to our specialists.

Talk to Our Specialists

A specialist, i.e. someone who has extensive experience working with individuals to find the perfect hearing aid, can create a hearing aid molded for your unique ear shape. Unlike standardized hearing aids purchased at major retailers, custom hearing aids offer high levels of comfort and excellent sound quality.

At ENTFPSS, our hearing aid specialists carry decades of experience. We’d love to work with you to meet all your hearing needs. Call us today to learn more about how our specialists can work with you!

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