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Hearing Loss Estimated to Surpass One Billion People Due

There are many causes for temporary and permanent hearing loss, including loud environments like factories, certain diseases, and more. However, one culprit may be much more prevalent than you’ve ever considered. A new study claims countless young individuals are at high risk of hearing loss from loud music — as many as one billion. To […]

Are My Neck Lesions a Sign of Something More Severe?

Many people around the world experience lumps and lesions on their necks. Not only are they uncomfortable and painful, but they can also be a sign of a worse problem. If you see or feel an unexplainable growth and are unsure what to do, here’s an overview of painful neck mass symptoms, causes, and what […]

My Ears Won’t Stop Ringing: What Should I Do?

We have all heard a slight ringing in the ear at some point, and as annoying as it could be, it usually goes away after a few seconds. That ear ringing stays constant for some people and will have you wanting to rip your ears out. You don’t want to toss it aside and not […]

How Often Do I Need to Get Allergy Shots?

Odds are, you either know someone who gets allergies consistently, or you’re a victim of allergies yourself. Allergens are everywhere, but fortunately, there are many ways to treat them. If you find yourself constantly battling reactions to different allergens, allergen immunotherapy or “allergy shots” might be the treatment you need to keep you out of […]

What Are the Differences Between a Full and Mini Facelift?

The quest for lasting beauty remains one of the central pursuits of those looking into getting plastic surgery. Finding ways to look younger and recapture the softness of youth continues to bring patients looking for facial plastic surgery through the doors of plastic surgeons across the country, including our offices in Montgomery County, PA. As […]

Treating Sleep Disorders With New Discoveries

For countless people across the country, dealing with neurological sleep disorders becomes a common part of life. As they lose countless hours of sleep to conditions like insomnia, fall asleep at the worst times with narcolepsy, and more complex disorders that require multiple specialties to treat effectively, it can seem like an impossible hill to […]

When Was Your Last Head and Neck Cancer Checkup?

Our oral health can be a facet of our health screening process that doesn’t receive the attention it deserves. Most people only get their mouths looked at during routine dental checkups and can potentially miss early warning signs of a more serious oral health issue. With November quickly approaching, Oral, Head & Neck Cancer Awareness […]

Does Nasal Septum Deviation Result in Snoring?

Not being able to breathe through your nose is typically an uncomfortable experience to go through. If you have a deviated septum, you know this feeling all too well. People who suffer from deviated septums can find themselves unable to sleep peacefully throughout the night or are constantly told by their bed partner to stop […]

The Different Types of Allergy Tests and How Do They Work?

If your doctor suspects that you may have allergies, they will likely recommend allergy testing. The immune system responds to allergens with symptoms that can be mild, such as an itchy rash, to severe, such as constriction of the airway resulting in a visit to emergency care. Allergy testing can help identify some of the […]

4 Signs It’s Time to Upgrade Your Hearing Aids

If your hearing aids aren’t working as they used to, it’s important to be aware of the warning signs. Hearing aid technology is constantly evolving, and if you’re not keeping up with it, you may be doing a great disservice to your ears. Knowing when you’re due for new hearing aids and making the switch […]